Saturday, November 22, 2008


We got an article in class to read called "Our Cheating Hearts". It is about all the ways that people can cheat. I realized that there are so many people who are damagind not only themselves but many ohters by cheating. People think that cheating is okay because sometimes it can make them seem smarter or it can open more doors of opportunity to them. The article provides many examples of cheating. Some of them are lying about having disabilities to get a longer time to take a test, people photo messaging exams to other people, but eduacation isnt the only way a perosn can cheat. Bussniess cheat all the time in many different ways. From reading this article i have learned that cheating is worng and doing it poeple think they are just cheating the community but they are also cheating themselves. By cheating you are only making your self less smart.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I read an article in 17 magazine called Deadly Carpool. It is about two boys named Chris and Scott. They were walking home from school one day when there friend drove up in his moms car. The boys got in but there was not a enough room in the car for all of them. So Chris and Scott got in the trunk. The driver of the car did not have his liscense or permit. He was driving pretty well until he had to turn a corner. There was a semi truckin front of them that was going really slow so the dirver switched lanes he was being careful not to speed but while he was chainging lanes his car began to fish tale. He jerked the steering wheel back and forth which made the car swereve more. Chris and Scotts weight together put to much pressure on one end of the car which made the car spin uncontroalby. The drive hit the brakes but that only made things worse. The car went over a curb and hit a tree which made the trunk fly open and Chris and Scott flew out on to on moving traffic. they both died.
I read a journal entry about a boy named Brett Hansen-begg. He was in a coma for a long time and now he is not. He has been making a lot of progress. He can move his head to answer yes and no. On november 18th he was able to stand with no help. It was great progess and the people who help him are very happy. They say that he has never done that befor.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I read an article about Barack Obama. I learned that his father is from Kenya and his mother is from America. His parents were both students at the University of Hawaii. His father eventually wen to Harvard leaving Barack and his mother behind in Hawaii. His father later moved to kenya alone and him and Baracks mother got a divorece. In Obamas teenage yeas he had lots of problems with drygs and alcohal but over came those addiciton knowing that there are better things in life. He is today the president of the United states.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I am still reading the book Beautiful Boy by David Sheff. I took a brake thought to read an article called My Beautiful Drug Addicted Boy. It was about David Sheff watching his son transform from a happy young boy into a meth addict. In the articlel he says that Nic (his son) would steel money for drugs from his 8 year old little brother. David had to intstall a burglar alarm to keep his son out of his house and to see when he was steeling from them. He mentioned how once Nic had been arrested in front of his little brohter and sister, and how he had overdosed and had to be revived in the emergency room. He says that the hardest time for his family was when Nic went to reahab and got clean, went back to school and then relapsed.