Charlie comes home from work and Bella is gone. He sent out a group of people to look for her but noone can find her and the afternoon starts turning into the evening and then the evening the dark. No one had found Belle yet. After a while a man named sam Uley finds Bella in the middle of the woods laying on the ground with the rain dripping on her. For a while she doesnt move she doesnt really know whats going on but then sam picks her up and brings her inside and she rests for a while. Bella is only half asleep because she can her everything that her father is saying to sam. She knows that he knows that her situation has to do with the cullens. After the Cullens had left and she knew it was final and Bella sank into depression. She does what she is supposed to but she is really lifeless while she does it. She doesnt have any friends anymore but she doesnt seemt to care. Charlie (her dad) starts to worry about her and suggests that she get help. Bella is furious with this idea and goes on a rampage; she doesnt want to leave and she doesnt think anything is worng with her. But everyday Bella just mopes around her house and Charlie says she acts like a zombie. She would have the same nightmare at night where she was alone in a forest and every night she would wake up screaming.
I just stated new moon whuch is the second book from the twilihgt series. Edward takes Bella to prom and Jacob Black is there to deliver a message to Bella from his father. Her 18th birthday comes up and she is really dreading it but Edward decides to throw he a little pary with his family. She goes to his house after school and while she is opening presents fro them she accidentally gives her self a paper cut and Jasper Edwards "brother" tries to attack her because he craves the smell of her blood. This event leads to The Cullen Family leaving Forks for good whick means Edward and Bella have broken up.
i finished twilight and som many things had happend. Bella and Edward start dating and finally he tells her that he is a vampire. He is very surprised when he realizes that Bella doesnt care what he is. Bella gets asked to a dance that school is having multiple times each time turnig them down with the excuse that she is going to seattle. Her two freinds have dates and she decides to go into to town with them to help find dresses. Edward shows up as her hero once more when Bella is alomst robbed by a group of strange men. He takes her to dinner and explaines everything so she clearly understands what he is but bella still doesnt care. He tells her over and over again that it is not safe for them to be together but she still doesnt care.
Edward comes to school the next week after completely freaking Bella out and acts as if nothing ever happened. He is really nice tword her and this really confuses Bella. One day after school bella was almost killed in a car accident if it hadnt have been for Edward Bella wouldn not have been apart of the story. There were some pretty unexplainable behavior though on Edwars part. Edward and Bella spend more time togher and end up dating. Bella learns all the reason behind all of Edwards odd behavior. She finds out that he is a vampire but surprisingly she doesnt care. Edward tries to explaint o her that even though he really likes her it is a bad i dea for the two of them to be dating.
I just started the book Twilight. One word Amazing. So far Bella moves to a town called Forks to live with her dad. She is staring at new school where she knows none but everyone seems to know of her. On her first day she meets a few poeple that are nice and beings calling them her freinds. At lunch on her fist day she notices a table far across the room from where she is sitting, At the table are five people. She is distracted by these people because of the way they look they all seem to have perfect faces. ONe boy Edward really cathes her eye and she is very amazed by him.
We got an article in class to read called "Our Cheating Hearts". It is about all the ways that people can cheat. I realized that there are so many people who are damagind not only themselves but many ohters by cheating. People think that cheating is okay because sometimes it can make them seem smarter or it can open more doors of opportunity to them. The article provides many examples of cheating. Some of them are lying about having disabilities to get a longer time to take a test, people photo messaging exams to other people, but eduacation isnt the only way a perosn can cheat. Bussniess cheat all the time in many different ways. From reading this article i have learned that cheating is worng and doing it poeple think they are just cheating the community but they are also cheating themselves. By cheating you are only making your self less smart.
I read an article in 17 magazine called Deadly Carpool. It is about two boys named Chris and Scott. They were walking home from school one day when there friend drove up in his moms car. The boys got in but there was not a enough room in the car for all of them. So Chris and Scott got in the trunk. The driver of the car did not have his liscense or permit. He was driving pretty well until he had to turn a corner. There was a semi truckin front of them that was going really slow so the dirver switched lanes he was being careful not to speed but while he was chainging lanes his car began to fish tale. He jerked the steering wheel back and forth which made the car swereve more. Chris and Scotts weight together put to much pressure on one end of the car which made the car spin uncontroalby. The drive hit the brakes but that only made things worse. The car went over a curb and hit a tree which made the trunk fly open and Chris and Scott flew out on to on moving traffic. they both died.
I read a journal entry about a boy named Brett Hansen-begg. He was in a coma for a long time and now he is not. He has been making a lot of progress. He can move his head to answer yes and no. On november 18th he was able to stand with no help. It was great progess and the people who help him are very happy. They say that he has never done that befor.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I read an article about Barack Obama. I learned that his father is from Kenya and his mother is from America. His parents were both students at the University of Hawaii. His father eventually wen to Harvard leaving Barack and his mother behind in Hawaii. His father later moved to kenya alone and him and Baracks mother got a divorece. In Obamas teenage yeas he had lots of problems with drygs and alcohal but over came those addiciton knowing that there are better things in life. He is today the president of the United states.
I am still reading the book Beautiful Boy by David Sheff. I took a brake thought to read an article called My Beautiful Drug Addicted Boy. It was about David Sheff watching his son transform from a happy young boy into a meth addict. In the articlel he says that Nic (his son) would steel money for drugs from his 8 year old little brother. David had to intstall a burglar alarm to keep his son out of his house and to see when he was steeling from them. He mentioned how once Nic had been arrested in front of his little brohter and sister, and how he had overdosed and had to be revived in the emergency room. He says that the hardest time for his family was when Nic went to reahab and got clean, went back to school and then relapsed.
I belive that firefighters are the worlds biggest heroes. They risk their lives everyday for each and everyone of us. Alot of people feel that firefighters have to put out fires and try to save the world but, the truth is they don't its just a choice they choose to make and, a risk they choose to take. People don't realize that without firefighters the world world wouldn't be a safe place.
This video gives people a chance to realize the risks our "fire heroes" go threw everyday. I chose this video because it shows the dangers that would not be delt with if we didn't have firfighters to help us.
The Firefighter's Anthem :
Who stands the vigil while children, men and women sleep. While they work, play and study towards their dreams ,oh so sweet. America, the symbol of Hope ,of Life and Liberty, Who'll protect those in dangers path, who cannot flee.Who'll fight the battle, the war that rages in our land. The enemy of ignorance, indifference, the carelessness of man We must never let our guard down, the fire's too fast the price too high. The precious gift of Life and Love, we work so none might die………InstrumentalWe must never let our guard down, the fire's too fast the price too high. This precious gift of Life and Love, we work so none might die. Who'll fight the battle, the war that rages in our land. The enemy of ignorance, indifference, the carelessness of man.We must never let our guard down, the fire's too fast the price too high. This precious gift of Life and Love, we work so none might die. We work so none might die.
The Firefighters Anthem is a meaningful song. It shows us that it is a true gift to have firefighters in our society. It discusses the fact that firefighters do the things no other beings are brave enought to And they do it with love and passion.
I chose this image because it gives off a powerful message. It shows that these men and women are brave and strong. It shows that they are ready to take on any fire no matter how big or small. Conclusion: Firefighting heroes are a big part of our society. Without them are world would fall apart. They are so brave and strong we need to take me time to aknowledge their importance.
I have started a new book called Beautiful Boy by Davind Sheff. The books is a fathers point of view on his sons drug addiction. So far the book is about Nic (the son with addiction) comming home from college after being away for six months. He has a little sister and little brother who welcome him home with sighns that they made. His family seems to think he is better and has been sober for 150 days. He struggled with a methamphetamine addiction. While in his hometown Nic attends AA meeting. One night he did not come home on time and when he did his father realized that he as not been sober and has been using since his first semester at college.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I just finished the book. Kerry took so many wrong paths in her in life it was time for her to change. She went to college and for her a while her problem got worse. She would hook up with severl guys in one night. Still hoping she would find love. After all of her failed trials by the end of all her struggles she gains self confidence finds love and gets married.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Kerry becomes very distant from he family. She finds a new boyfriend that last a while but she cant keep him. She realizes that she needs to do something about her problem. She is going to have no where to turn and no one to lea on if she keeps acting the way she does. All she wants is for someone to her love her but she is doing all the wrong things to find that person.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
After realizing that she is just wasting her self away Kerry finds her self a boyfriend. Htey date for a really long time. During this time she discvoers that she has a problem because she cant stay committed no matter how bad she wants to. Her relationship lasts a really long time and she finally feels like she is in love. But whenever she gets to comfortable she over steps her boundreis and soon the relationship is over.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Kerry starts getting in a lot of trouble like I said in my previous post. She hosts a party at her house and it gets so bad her father makes her switch schools. There were stolen items and lots of drugs and alcohol. At her new school she tries to make a new identity for herself. By trying to become someone she’s not Kerry gets her loses control of herself and her actions she is taking. Her and her new friends go and sneak into bars and try to find different people to hook up with. Kerry tries to make herself believe that these men love her but inside she knows it’s not true. She keeps getting used and used and never seems to realize that these men don’t care about her or her feelings. I think that when Kerry finally realizes this it will be too late and she will have gone too far to ever repair the way she feels.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The car ride home from the gas staion did not go very well for Kerry. When the girls first get into the van they all sit in the back. The driver request Kerry to sit in the front passenger seat. He says that if she doesn't do so he will not drive them home, so Kerry just goes and sits next to him. While they are driving the man try's to make passes at her by touching her legs and arms inappropraitly. The boys drive past there house a few times befor they dropp off the girls just inteding to scare them a little bit. Finall they get home. Kerry doesn's tell anyone about the incident. She knows it was wrong but inside she feels sort of good about what happend because she thought no one ever thought of her in a "sexaul" way. Kerry confuses emotional love with physical touching. If she doesn't figure it out sooner or later she is going to get her self in alot of trouble.
Kerry is struggling so much with her identity. She doesn't know where to turn for the answers. Her family has been trying everything to make her feel like she belongs but nothing makes her feel fit. She goes out wiht friends late at night and her and her freinds all plan to hook up with some boys but that plan fails when the boys turn out to be jerks. The ride the sity bus back into to town only to find out that the later it is the less far the bus takes you. So the three girls are forced to get off the bus in the middle of no where. They find a gas station and inside are a few creepy older men. They offer to give them a ride the girls now its risky and very dangerous but they consider the fact that they have know way home. After the girls go to the bathroom they begin their ride with the three possibly under the unlfuence older men.
Loose Girl: I am curenly reading a book called Loose Girl by kerry Cohen. It is about a girl sort of like Codi in Animal Dreams. She is stuck in a world that she is starving to fit in and somany changes are happening in her life she doesnt know how to calm down and just be in control. Her body starts chaneging and people start noticing. She cant tell if she likes these changes so she tries to figure it out on her own. One day she notices a midle aged man staring at her it makes her feel uncomfortable she doesnt know what to do with her self but she knows she has to get away. She doesnt tell anyone about the incident just keeps it to her self like she always does. Now she is struggleing to figure who she is and where she belongs.
I recently read a book called HeartBeat by Sharon Creech. The book was about a 12 year old girl who is learnig to deal with change no matter how hard it may be. I really like the way the author wrote the book. She used a method called free verse. It not only helps the book go by faster but it also helps me understand it better. Over all I liked the book alot it shows you how one small thing can help you to undertand the more important things in life. The mood of this book was very melow. Annie was the girls name and she was a runner. Her art teacher asked her to draw in apple one hundred times but each time the apple had to look different. As the apple stared to change she slowly started noticing chang in her mother, her aging grandfather, and her best freind max. In the end she learned to deal with it all.
I am Ariana and an adjective that best describes me is athletic. Every year since first grade I have participated in a sport. I started out with dance and then moved my way to things like soccer and track, and now I am on the competition cheerleading team. When I was taking dance class I took tap, ballet, and hip-hop. I didn’t do hip-hop or tap for very long but I did take ballet for about six years. I started soccer soon after which lasted for about 3 years, I did track for only two years but it was fun while it lasted. Now I am on the competition cheerleading team for my first year and so far it has been really fun.