Sunday, March 22, 2009

I read an article on the oprah website about how kanye west over came being faced wiht death. He was driving home one night and fell asleepat the wheel ofhis car. He crashed head on with an suv adn had to have his mouth wired shut. I think that this is really sad adn it was a good idia dor him to try adn get over they incidentby writing music about it. i feel really bad for him but at the samne time it was his fault. That may sound a little heartless but he was one who fell asleep.
Winfrey, Oprah. "The Oprah Winfrey show". March 22 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Watching New Love as It Sears the Brain

I read an article called Watching New Love as It Sears the Brain . It was about how love can take tole on the brain. The article states that "new love" can look like a mental health issue. I think this is article is funny andmaybe true. From watching movies i have seen that love can make a person do interesting things. But i aslo think that it is just a mental thing no one really has to act that way. "When you're in the throes of this romantic love it's overwhelming, you're out of control, you're irrational, you're going to the gym at 6 a.m. every day - why? Because she's there," ( Dr. helen Fisher) I think that people take on new interest often becuase the one they love has the same ones and then they force them selves to like it beucause they think it will give them a better chance.
Benedict, Carey. "New York Times". March 18 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

At Least 32 Die in a Wave of Violence Across Iraq

I read an article called At Least 32 Die in a Wave of Violence Across Iraq. The article was about suicide bomb in the Kurdistan union. It left about 32 known people dead. I chose to read this article because I thought it was interesting how stuff like this happens almost on a regular basis in iraq. I feel like we should be trying to domore to stop it. I know that by budding in we might get into more trouble but i think it is worth a try considering all the lives that are being put in danger everyday.

Robertson, Campbell. "New York Times". March 15 2009 .

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Survival Imperative for Space Colonization

i read an articel about a man named J. Richard Gott III who in 1993 used the copernican principle to predics that humans should live for about another 5100 years. He says that sooner or later something will "get us" an we will have wished we had colonized mars. i dont personally belive that we will survive fo that much longer. I dont htink this because of the way we treat our earth. With isuss like global warming and pollution we are not allowing our planet to let us live for another 5100 years.

Tierney, John. "A Survival Imperative for Space Colonization." New York Times. 17 July 2007. 11 March 2009. <>.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Global Issues

I read an article called Global Warming, Spin and Media. It was about different reactions to the issue of global warming from different countries around the world. The article says that more develpoing countries are claiming they are not the reason for the gas pollution from green houses filling the air. I have to say that I agree wiht those people. I think that if Americans stopped using all the chemicals and stuff that we used the world would be much helthier. i think it is good that these countries are not letting americans make them take the blame for somethung they themselves are doing. If we truly wanted to stop this global warming i think that we wouldnt making the issue seem less improtant than it is and start making one of the top priorities and find ways for our earth to stay safe.

Anup Shah, Global Warming, Spin and Media. Global Issues. 30, August 2008. 8 March 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

i read an article about what christmas is all aboout and how to explain it to someone who has nver heard it befor. In the article gives many examples of things related to christmas like Santa at the North Pole , shepherds in the fields by night ,a winter festival . These are all things i like hearing about. Overall Christmas is a very joyous day and so are the days that surround it. you get presents and get to spend time wiht family you may not see all the time. I think that christmas is one of the most improtant holidays becuase you get presents and food and time aways from things that may be stressful. Christmas is a fun time and everyone should enjoy it or something like it.

NA "How We Say Christmas " New York Times. 25 December 2006. 3 March 2009.