i read an articel about a man named J. Richard Gott III who in 1993 used the copernican principle to predics that humans should live for about another 5100 years. He says that sooner or later something will "get us" an we will have wished we had colonized mars. i dont personally belive that we will survive fo that much longer. I dont htink this because of the way we treat our earth. With isuss like global warming and pollution we are not allowing our planet to let us live for another 5100 years.
Tierney, John. "A Survival Imperative for Space Colonization." New York Times. 17 July 2007. 11 March 2009. <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/17/science/17tier.html?pagewanted=1&sq=colonization&st=cse&scp=1>.
El Fin
15 years ago
1 comment:
My fear is that it will be government that will kill us all off for THEIR own good. I also think that it will be government that will try to keep humanity from colonizing the solar system, because of the possibility that any colony (in orbit) has the ability to drop a rock on their heads.
Now a Moon, Mars or Mercury colony is going to be a different thing simply because there won't be the 'rock dropping thing' for them to worry about.
But humanity surviving for less than 5100 years...?...Who knows?! And Mumzy Earth saying: "hmmm, I give up...You guys are OUT of here!" Again...Who knows?! Mumzy Earth is fairly tough, but I don't think she grew humans because she needed plastic bags.
I like to think that it will be technology that will save us. But more importantly, I think it will be education that will save us before too much more damage can be done.
So I guess what really needs to be done, is to get government out of the schools, so as to stop the government brain washing (and controlling, and dumbing) of humanity.
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