Something I noticed while reading this book was that it was written in two different fonts. The fonts switch from clays thoughts on what Hannah is saying to what Hannah is saying. As you read more of the book it seems more and more like the fonts are turing into one. Maybe its just my eyes but i think the other made the fonts so closey alike for a reason. I think that as the book goes on your supposed to feel like Clay and hannah were alot alike which is hwy his thoughts and her words seem to be so closey togherther almost like they are thinkg the same thing and its really onloy one person talking. Another thing I noticed while readint he book was how Clay's cahrcater seemed to change throughout the book. After a while it started to show how the people in his life effected him and how much he actually seemed to care for hannah. In the beining of the book he seems spooked out by the tapes adn he doesnt really want to listent to them anymore but as you read more it seems like all he wants to do is listen to the tapes. He doesnt seem to care about the world around him just about the girls voice who is flowing into his from the tape. He finds his self doing everything she told him to adn he beings to feel what she felt.
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