Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The articel Indian flood victims face food shortages is about how a flood washed over a villiage in india. the village was called Bihar india and the flood whipped out the food source for its people. the people whom were left went to camps for shelter but they didnt have any or enough food. In many ways this article is similar to nectar because of some of the events the people went through. The mothers in the articel to just liek rukmani watch there children suffer from hunger. THey would try soothing them but they knew there was no wat they could get food for them. They had to deal with the cries of the children in the camps and just wait until something worked out. The belly's of the people were becoming extended. I think that the americans should bring food to all the places that are suffering from food scarcity so that other people can have a chance to lead healthy strong lives.

NR "Indian flood victims face food shortages" New york Times. 31 August 2008. 24 February 2009. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/08/31/india.floods/index.html

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