Saturday, February 21, 2009

Breaking Dawn- change

In breaking dawn Bella and Edward get married and go on a honeymoon, during the time they are on the honeymoon Bella becomes pregnant. Both her and Edward thought it was impossible but it happened and so they only way to save Bella's life was to change her forever. Bella was changed into a vampire immediatly after giving birth to her baby girl. This changes her life beacause there are so many things that she can no longer do. And the biggest change is that she is no longer human. From reading Breaking Dawn I learned that the things you do can change you life for ever so unless you are readt dont do something that you know will cause you to loose another thing you can never get back. I also learned that changes in life arent always bad but sometimes they are for the people around you, always think befor you act because you never if you'll get the chance to go back.

Meyer Stephenie, Breaking Dawn

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